Ermanno Delogu

Managing Director
Mersen Italia SpA

"The Lean Lifestyle gave me the awareness that the way I worked at was not optimal for me, my employees and professional outcomes. After this step, the rigorous method of taking action to adopt new ways of working that guarantee more results and greater well-being, has allowed me to obtain the first positive results. With the shopping results I had the satisfaction of seeing the change bear good fruit and this triggered further changes and even more awareness. And in the end, this becomes your way of operating. I was addicted to interruptions and now I have control of them, I can work less, with higher quality and with full satisfaction of my working and private life."


Racconta la tua Lean Lifestyle Story Se anche tu hai l’ambizione di cambiare il modo di lavorare e di fare impresa per ottenere più risultati, agilità e benessere, unisciti alla community di donne e uomini che hanno intrapreso il loro viaggio nel Lean Lifestyle per raggiungere l’eccellenza aziendale e personale. Inizia adesso