Giulia Rossi

Marketing Office Manager

"With a few changes in our way of working we have cleared the backlog, improved quality and reduced errors. Activities that we were putting hands on for a whole week are managed in one morning and the energy profuse in individual tasks is much higher than before. We are much less stressed because programming, alignment, and work with high concentration have improved our well-being and urgences are no longer the rule, but a task that finds a precise place in the planning of work."


Racconta la tua Lean Lifestyle Story Se anche tu hai l’ambizione di cambiare il modo di lavorare e di fare impresa per ottenere più risultati, agilità e benessere, unisciti alla community di donne e uomini che hanno intrapreso il loro viaggio nel Lean Lifestyle per raggiungere l’eccellenza aziendale e personale. Inizia adesso