Monica Redenti

R&D Manager

"With the Lean Lifestyle training I realized that I was living my role as if I still had a boss; I carried out everyday activities without giving real priority to 'important' activities and I delegated little. I developed a series of actions that allowed me to reduce waste and time to devote myself to the really important activities: at the beginning of the journey I worked almost 60 hours a week and the value activities were only 27%. In six months, the latter reached 46% and I reduced working hours by 10%. By reducing waste, both in terms of quality activities and the commitment dedicated to different activities, I gained 6 hours of time, increased my results and I live my daily life with less anxiety. The positive effect also impacted my work group, which today works better and with more results."


Racconta la tua Lean Lifestyle Story Se anche tu hai l’ambizione di cambiare il modo di lavorare e di fare impresa per ottenere più risultati, agilità e benessere, unisciti alla community di donne e uomini che hanno intrapreso il loro viaggio nel Lean Lifestyle per raggiungere l’eccellenza aziendale e personale. Inizia adesso