Simone Luci

Rugby Coach and Team Leader Research & Development Vossloh-Schwabe

“The result achieved with the promotion of Rugby Romagna to the Serie A is a small sporting miracle to which I am very happy to have contributed. The Lean lifestyle methodology learned during the Lenovys executive master has been of great help to me not only in the business context because it has offered me many ideas that I enjoyed applying to my coaching experience. The beginnings were not easy because it was a question of introducing a new working method and identifying and changing well-established habits. Many players were initially resistant to change, but it was enough to talk about the path and where we wanted to go to get great availability that led us to achieve excellent results. The Lean Lifestyle methodologies were applied to the team as if they were 40 company employees. A very successful experiment for which I have to thank Vossloh-Schwabe who allowed me to access the world of Lean Lifestyle, and which shows how important it is even in the world of sport to combine technical excellence and social excellence, to build a positive climate in which to work, to design an approach to medium-long term results."


Racconta la tua Lean Lifestyle Story Se anche tu hai l’ambizione di cambiare il modo di lavorare e di fare impresa per ottenere più risultati, agilità e benessere, unisciti alla community di donne e uomini che hanno intrapreso il loro viaggio nel Lean Lifestyle per raggiungere l’eccellenza aziendale e personale. Inizia adesso