Why be a Lean Lifestyle Company
"I have always felt the strong desire to bring changes in the company. In me the desire to understand how to contaminate a way of managing the company that was already successful anyway; how to do even better and above all how to make systematic our capacity for inventiveness, adaptability and energy. Since 2015 we have started a continuous improvement program in production based on the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) methodology, and we had made several attempts to introduce new methodologies, such as Constraint Theory. But I was not yet fully satisfied. I was always missing something and gradually I became convinced that a Lean Turnaround was the way to create the gear shift I was looking for. The decision-making process with my team at the start of this path, however, was a never-ending birth: after a year of sharing and convincing attempts, we still did not see the end. In Lean Lifestyle, in Lenovys and in Luciano, I found the ideal methodology and partner that can be deeply married to the founding value of our company and our daily work, attention to people, and that could help us strengthen it.”
Paolo Streparava - Ceo Straparava S.p.A.
To start the path towards the Lean Lifestyle Company, Streparava involved the company’s first line in study and training, then went on to design and implement individual projects and pilot projects at a corporate level to spread the principles of Lean Lifestyle. The next step was the process of Envisioning: Paolo Streparava and his first- and second-lines defined Vision, Mission and Values, then declined in a precise corporate strategy that, through the process of Hoshin Kanri, ensures the ongoing involvement and alignment of the entire team. Thanks to the delegation down, project management ensures a simple and fluid process, oriented to the flow of value with small teams who are entrusted with full responsibility. Streparava has elevated the Lean Lifestyle to a pillar of the company strategy and gradually introduced in the company in a structural way a series of new habits and systems that would help it to realize it in practice, improving the working methods (for example: periodic individual meetings, alignment meetings, regular use of ATRED, Lean Meeting, Lean Mailing, high concentration work) through concrete and measurable objectives, thus achieving increases in individual and business results, reducing efforts, simplifying working days and eliminating waste.
The welfare of the people is a very important concern for Streparava. In line with the principles of Lean Lifestyle, it has disseminated organizational habits and routines along these lines. It is therefore not a coincidence that Streparava has chosen as one of its three values “Physical, Mental and Emotional Well-being" and that he is doing much about people’s energy. This has led to numerous projects and initiatives: yoga courses, improvement of the company canteen, agreements with gyms and swimming pools, the football team, the cycling team, the snowshoe group, the "factory in family", training focused on how to give feedback or how to increase emotional energy, just to name a few.